
Showing posts from April, 2018

Make-Something-Monday (Fire Starters)

I thought a great way to get fired up for my first project entry would be to light a fire.  This is a project I've completed a few times, and have always had good results.  My husband and sons (both Eagle Scouts) tell me that these are their favorite fire starters.  They light easily and burn long enough to get your camp fire going.  This project is fairly easy, and not too messy as long as you take your time to carefully pour the wax.  So, here we go.... Homemade Fire Starters What you'll need: Empty pressed paper style egg carton (do NOT use styrofoam or plastic!) Dryer lint (I keep a zip-lock plastic bag on my dryer and save it up until needed) Wax (I've used old candles, or you can use wax from a craft store, or even a bunch of old crayons with the papers removed.  You'll need approximately 1/3 pound total of wax per egg carton.  No, using crayons will not cause your fire to burn in colors .) Newspaper Can (I used an a 20 oz. soup can before tossing it int